• SPECIFIC: If a goal isn’t clear and specific, you won’t be able to focus on it.
  • MEASURABLE: A goal must be measurable to determine if you’ve achieved it.
  • ATTAINABLE: Setting unattainable goals is a recipe for frustration.
  • RELEVANT: The best goals align with your values and your purpose.
  • TIME-BOUND: Without a deadline, you’re more likely to procrastinate.
  • Brainstorm

    List several ideas for potential SMART goals.

  • Commit

    Choose one idea from the list above as your official SMART goal.

  • SMART Goal

    Write down your SMART goal.

  • Action Planning

    Create a list of steps needed to meet your SMART goal:

    1. Action Step
    2. Due Date
    3. Status
  • Progress Tracking

    How will you measure your success?